Published: April 4, 2024

The CU Boulder Center for Leadership, a partner of PACS, is hosting upcoming events and has opportunities for students to get involved!

Upcoming events that are part of the Conference of World Affairs (CWA) that are being sponsored by the Center include:

  • Leadership for a Sustainable Future: A panel that discusses questions related to the complex challenges and solutions in ensuring both people and our planet thrive. 
    • Wednesday, April 10th from 3pm to 4:10pm in Macky Hall
  • Mobilizing Youth: Encouraging Democracy and Election Turnout: A panel that discusses the importance of mobilizing youth to vote in elections. 
    • Wednesday, April 10th from 4:30pm to 6pm in the Center UMC Ballroom

Find more information on the CWA schedule

The Leading Edge Council is a student-driven group that connects all of the Center programs. The council aims to create an interconnected, inclusive community and help shape student leaders. They host meetings on Tuesdays in ENVD 122 from 2pm to 3pm. If you're interested in joining, please email Visit the Leading Edge Council website for more information.